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"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. "
"The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear – fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety."
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, London, Dublin, Lisbon, Casablanca, Monrovia
Political scientist
Cricket, Fantasy Football
Extra Info
Gertrudis Malpass is historical past of the people use to call her and her husband doesn't think itrrrs great att entirely. The favorite hobby for her and her kids is lacemaking but she don't have the time lately. For years she's lived in Minnesota and
Survival Equals Ability To Adapt To Environment Requires true knowledge of relationship between action and consequence, so effects of choice can be predicted.
Ability To Adapt To Environment equals Ability to CHOOSE Adaptation requires responding correctly to environmental facts, to use true knowledge of the relationship between action and consequence to make the choices required to meet your survival needs.
Ability to CHOOSE equals being fully informed and FREE to make CHOICES Total Freedom is lack of constraints in all areas. The laws of nature preclude some choices such as floating or causeless effects. The laws of human nature are real, a consequence of the need to survive, at any cost. The most basic law of man is that if you hurt someone (negatively affect their survival), they must and will retaliate, violently if necessary.
Therefore SURVIVAL equals FREEDOM If you cannot or will not choose correctly (due to terror of authority), you are not free and will not survive except as a dependent slave. Choice is the method that intelligent species use to adapt to environment and survive.
Those who control YOUR Environment: Education, Media and Law control YOUR CHOICE True information regarding your environment is necessary to gain knowledge. Knowledge is required to choose correctly. Suppression of facts, information and knowledge is a basic survival method of those who manipulate matters to their advantage to the detriment of YOUR freedom and survival. Those who do not understand their environment are doomed to choose in favor of those who manipulate perceptions and thus choice. Any pretext to suppress information is a survival hit.
IGNORANCE WILL be the DEATH of us ALL History is very clear. When predators wield gavels, they rationalize matters such that they are master and "we, the people", slaves. The survival cost of these predations leaves the people with ZERO choice but to defy criminal authority and rebel.
Educate Yourself because those who control Law, Politics, Education and Media LIE Illusionary reality forcefully imposed by politicians and judges (puppets of hidden powers) who lie, cheat, steal and manipulate to get into and remain in office. They lack the fully informed consent of the people. Any law that is not applied EQUALLY to all people, regardless of legal classification is illegal. Any law that harms people, even with the consent of the majority is illegal, because no person has the right to cause the non-survival of another. The Nazi's initially had majority support. True law took them down.
The TRUTH will set you FREE We live in an action PRECEDES consequence reality. We are free to do anything allowed by the laws of physics. The only choice of others, authority included is: What do they choose to do in response? The question of law resolves to: what actions should be sanctioned by the collective power of "we, the people"? Our far wiser ancestors answered: Sanction those who cause harm. The law is by definition reactionary, not compulsive.
What you don't know can hurt YOU Crime does not pay, not because (or even if) judges say so, but, predations creates defensive conflict, collapsing civilization (the rules by which we PEACEFULLY cooperate for MUTUAL self-interest). Survival is non-negotiable.
REALITY is NOT an OPINION It is the provable relationship between action and consequence, as enforced by the absolute (no exceptions - fair) laws of nature.
VERY Different Meaning: "ALL are subject to LAW" versus "ALL are EQUALLY subject to LAW" "ALL are subject to LAW" is interpreted as different rules for different groups, creating conflict by allowing some to declare themselves "master" and others, declared "slave"."ALL are EQUALLY subject to LAW" PREVENTS tyrants from preying on "we, the people".
"Rule of LAW" versus "Rule by those who wield LAW" "Rule of LAW" treats all people EQUALLY, in terms of rights and responsibilities."Rule by those who wield LAW" (ie; rule of man, historical collapser of civilizations) is a forceful decree that some are "master" and others, "slaves". Rebellion is just a matter of time.
When CRIMINALS wield LAW - Don't WHINE to them, Do DEFEND YOURSELF Clearly, it is pointless to whine to those who survive and profit by illegal acts and enslaving you.It is the moral and legal duty of "we, the people" to fight criminals. The German people were collectively punished for tolerating the Nazis and ignoring this (Nuremburg Principles).
Basic feeding algorithm (method) of PREDATORS: Demonize, Socially Isolate, Move in for the KILL, Feed from the CORPSES of the destroyed dreams, aspirations, lives of individuals, groups, countries.
How do THEY do it? and get away with theie crimes? Easy. We live in an action precesdes consequence reality. They keep us dazed and confused, in a state of cognitive dissonnance by changing the IDENTITIES of who profits from actions (criminals) and who pays for the consequences (the rest of us).