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"The most dangerous man to any government is the man who is able to think things out... without regard to the prevailing superstitions and taboos. Almost inevitably he comes to the conclusion that the government he lives under is dishonest, insane, intolerable. "
"The one permanent emotion of the inferior man is fear – fear of the unknown, the complex, the inexplicable. What he wants above everything else is safety."
(GMT) Greenwich Mean Time, London, Dublin, Lisbon, Casablanca, Monrovia
Scraper operator
Knitting, Australian Football League
Extra Info
Ϝriends call him up Hunter. To soⅼve puzzlеs is the hobby he won't stop offering. Νebrɑska is the only plaⅽe she's beeen residing in but she'll have to move оne day or a second. Aсcounting has been his profession long but sоon he'll be on
Survival Equals Ability To Adapt To Environment Requires true knowledge of relationship between action and consequence, so effects of choice can be predicted.
Ability to Adapt To Environment Equals Ability To Choose Correctly Adaptation requires responding correctly to environmental facts, to use true knowledge of the relationship between action and consequence to make the choices required to meet your survival needs.
Ability To Choose Equals Freedom Total Freedom is lack of constraints in all areas. The laws of nature preclude some choices such as floating or causeless effects. The laws of human nature are real, a consequence of the need to survive, at any cost. The most basic law of man is that if you hurt someone (negatively affect their survival), they must and will retaliate, violently if necessary.
Survival Equals Freedom If you cannot or will not choose correctly (due to terror of authority), you are not free and will not survive except as a dependent slave. Choice is the method that intelligent species use to adapt to environment and survive.
Reality Is The Laws Of Nature Relating Action To Consequence Every action or inaction has a consequence. Words and opinions are irrelevant unless they cause choice (action in the real world). Inaction due to terror of consequence allows others to make choices negatively affecting YOUR survival.
Knowledge Is The Ability To Predict The laws of nature allow no contradictions or exceptions. They relate action to consequence in the real world. Understanding the immutable relationship between action and consequence allows consequences to be known before a choice is made. All products of science and technology depend on this fact. Everything, including civilizations that do not comply with the laws of nature ultimately fail due to contradictions, imposing costs that cannot be sustained.
Knowledge Requires Truth Accurate information regarding your environment and facts is necessary to gain knowledge. Knowledge is required to choose correctly. Suppression of facts, information and knowledge is a basic survival method of those who manipulate matters to their advantage to the detriment of freedom. Those who do not understand their environment are doomed to make choices in favor of those who manipulate perceptions and thus choice. The pretext of "national security" is invalid.
All "Official" Information Sources are Corrupt, Biased and Subverted Media by concentration of corporate ownership, terror of authority and dependence on state for propaganda advertising. Education by state desire to keep population as ignorant and subservient as possible. Internet under assault using pretexts of: control porno, hate speech, copyright, regulation, trying to tax.
We Are Already Free Whining to authority to give you freedom is believing they have the power to control you. It is a natural right (laws of reality) to be free. We can do (choose) whatever we want to do. The only choice of others is the choice they make in response. We can be punished for our choices, but no one can prevent them unless we are incarcerated, mis-educated or crippled by fear of consequences.
What Is A Nazi? Those who believe and act contrary to the "rule of law" using any number of excuses to claim it is "necessary" that some be favored and some be discriminated against using force of law. The Nazi concentration camps were the logical result of this "social policy" as is apartheid, racial discrimination, communism and socialism. Those who believe their survival requires the non-survival of others.
What Is A SocioPath? Those who do not know, consider nor care that their actions harm people and civilized co-existence.
What is Civilization? The rules by which we cooperate for MUTUAL self-interest and survival. The most basic rule is don't hurt anyone by initiating force or fraud. Usage of force or fraud negatively affects the survival of the victim, forcing a defensive response, creating conflict, destroying social harmony and ability to engage in peaceful trade and commerce. The path to peace is to not create conflict. Live and let live.
Who Are Criminals? Those who initiate force or fraud (harm people) to achieve their goals and those who support or tolerate them. Those who do not achieve their survival by honest, mutually agreed trade. Criminals wielding gavels would have you believe that the "law" is whatever they claim it is.
Most Laws And State (Organized Power) Actions Are Illegal Created by politicians who lie, cheat, steal, manipulate to get into and remain in office. They lack the fully informed consent of the people. Any law that is not applied EQUALLY to all people, regardless of legal classification is illegal. Any law that harms people, even with the consent of the majority is illegal, because no person has the right to cause the non-survival of another. The Nazi's initially had majority support. True law took them down.
We Are Ruled By Divide And Conquer Inter-group conflict is created and provoked by those who profit by conflict and enslaving people. This ends when we discover common interest and choose to "live and let live". No tyrant has ever been able to stand against a united people throughout all of history. Laws which divide and discriminate are the root cause of mankind's woes, preventing peace or solving social problems. Our "masters" need and create chaos. They feed from our conflict and depend on us to whine for "fairness".